Patient Resources

New Patients

We always welcome new patients and families at Bremerton Dental. If you are new to the Bremerton area or if you’re just visiting for a period of time, we welcome you. When you visit our dental practice you will experience a positive, comfortable environment. Bremerton Dental is a veteran owned practice and as such, we welcome all of our military families and employees in the west Puget Sound.


At your first visit, your doctor will meet with you to review your past medical and dental history, discuss any concerns you have, and assess your personal risk factors for dental disease. Then the doctor will conduct a thorough visual examination of your teeth and gums. X-rays and any other diagnostic procedures will then be performed.


Our goal is to provide children with a fun, relaxing and educational experience when they visit the dentist. At the first visit, your child will have any necessary X-rays taken and a cleaning performed. The visit will include instruction on good oral hygiene, fluoride treatment to help prevent cavities and a thorough orthodontic assessment. The treatment provided at each visit is age-appropriate for each stage of your child’s development.

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